Curriculum Design

Women’s Health Program

Belinda worked in-field for the Cambodian Community Dream Organization in Siem Reap, Cambodia to relaunch its Women’s Health Program. Through designing a baseline survey to understand women’s current knowledge among various health topics, Belinda developed workshop curricula and trained facilitators who delivered the presentations in Khmer in 10 rural villages.

The workshop content included: antenatal care, child development, health services and care-seeking practices, family planning and sexual health, nutrition, water and sanitation and hygiene, and domestic violence and women empowerment.

Zero Waste and Sustainability

Belinda produced a module for the DSNY Sanitation Foundation’s Zero Waste Academy, a free, 9-session education series for over 200 passionate environmental and sustainability advocates in NYC on the topics of waste and pollution.

SRHR, Advocacy, and Meaningful Youth Engagement

Belinda collaborated with e-learning design and digital platform agencies, subject matter experts, and users to create self-paced, online coursework for 300 youth advocates. This iteration of Digital University successfully incorporated facilitation, gamification, increased accessibility features, and user testing and feedback mechanisms to optimize engagement and user experience.

The five modules included: SRHR, Gender Equality and the SDGs, Advocacy and Meaningful Youth Engagement, Communications and Media, and Grant Proposals and Financial Stewardship.


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